Testing Available

Retina Group Chicago offers a series of the top testing procedures in the country to give you the most accurate information so our doctors can give the individualized treatment based on your needs.
Fluorescein Angiogram
What is a Fluorescein Angiogram?
A fluorescein angiogram is a valuable test which provides information about the condition of the retina. Fluorescein is the dye that is injected into a vein and the dye then circulates in the bloodstream and makes its way to the blood vessels in the retina.
A special camera is used to take pictures of the dye as it flows through the blood vessels of the retina. Since the camera is hooked-up to a digital system, this allows the doctor to interpret the results immediately. The images can be printed so that a copy can be given to the patient or sent on to the patient’s eye care provider. There are many reasons a fluorescein angiogram would be required. This diagnostic tool is used to check for conditions such as diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration. These are just two of many diseases requiring the use of this special test.
After the test, your urine may turn orange for up to 24 hours. Some patients experience nausea and vomiting during the test. Allergic reactions are rare. Severe anaphylactic reactions have been reported, but are not common.
Optical Coherence Tomography
What is an OCT?
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a non-invasive imaging technique that produces high resolution cross-sectional tomographs (or pictures) of the retina. This technique is very effective in helping to diagnose and guide treatments for a broad variety of retinal diseases. The OCT images will allow the doctors to detect eye conditions and diseases in their early stages, in order to provide the best treatment options for the preservation and restoration of vision. It is painless and in no way dangerous to the eye.